Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Project

My CBR project is based on motivating the children at my church to take a more active role in the children’s ministry. In order to make this possible I enrolled several children and took them through the process of creating and giving a class. The journal that I have chosen to try and publish my work is Edutopia because this journal is focused on the emotional and social aspects of learning. I feel that this is the best fit for my project sin motivation does deal with these same issues. I am trying to find other journals that may be willing to publish my work.

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 1

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 2


Publishing Leadership Document


Week 4 Comment 2 to Francine Jackson

My plans are to submit my PLP to the Music Educators Journal(MEJ) of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC). MEJ is a peer-reviewed journal that encourages music education professionals to submit manuscripts about all phases of music education in schools and communities, practical instructional techniques, teaching philosophy, and current issues in music teaching and learning. The main goal of MEJ, like that of MENC, is to advance music education.  MEJ is not a research journal, but submissions should be grounded in the professional literature.

I chose this publication because the population that would most likely be interested in my paper have subscriptions to MEJ.  I read some of the articles from this publication regularly so I figured this publication would reach the audience that would benefit most from my paper. Furthermore I chose this publication because many of my colleagues and myself are having difficulty with learners who are placed in our classes who don't want to be in a performing arts class. I feel that my paper might possibly provide pertinent information that musicians could look into to facilitate student motivation and engagement in the performing arts.

@ Francine
Like with Melissa, I commend you on taking on something that is in such need in our educational environment. Music is a beautiful thing and it is not given the importance it should. I hope that your project will shed some light on how important music is not only to the schools but also to society in general.

Week 4 Comment 1 to Melissa Cooper

The article based on my CBR project has a strong emphasis on Art and technology throughout community service project. Therefore, I am sticking with three journals that I plan to submit too because I wanted to appeal to the Arts (on a small and large scale) as well as technology journals. The following are the Journals I plan on submitting to, a link to the copy of my research article, as well as my two “think-aloud” post if your interested.
Edutopia is a database from the George Lucas foundation that highlights educational and technological programs, topics, information and other research that is unique and breaking ground. I have been a fan for a long time and have actually been inspired by some of their blogs to focus on bringing arts and technology into community service.
NAEA - The National Art Educators of America are a well-known community that advocate for Arts Education, share research, stories, and network with individuals and organizations that do the same. They have a recognize association for their efforts and services and something I look forward to being a part of.

The National Guild for Community Arts Education supports and advances any educational and learning opportunities in the community. They foster art education as well as community focus with their service and advocacy. They host a quarterly journal that highlights related topics in the community and education.

I commend you on taking an active role in promoting the arts. I understand the hardships the arts are going through in the educational system and what this has to mean to you. I have two friends that graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Arts Education and are out of a job due to cut backs. I hope that through your project people will be able to realize how truly important the arts are.

Week 4 Reading Chapter 9-12

Sometimes people feel the need to have everybody agree with them. This especially happens to people in authority who are accustomed to having everything go their way. The problem with this is that even though people do what you say they do not do it willingly and it is demonstrated in their attitude and demeanor. If you truly want somebody to participate actively in anything you do you cannot make him or her do it; you have to have them want to do it. The only way to do this is by enrolling them and making them feel like they are an essential part of what is going on and that without them things would not be the same.

If this does not work then we have to begin to assume responsibility for our actions and we have to take control of the situation. The only way that we can control the situation is by becoming the board. When we become the board, we no longer point fingers or put excuses. We do not let the circumstances dictate our actions but we use the circumstances to further our purpose.

We have to not only be open to possibilities but also inspire others to do the same. When we change our frame of mind others can be inspired by what we are doing. Like Nelson Mandela said, what we fear most is what we are truly capable of. Many times we underestimate ourselves and close the doors of possibility because we are afraid of what might happen. We are scared of the success or the responsibility of achieving something could bring to us. If we would take down our barriers and strive for everything possible then maybe we would be in awe of ourselves instead of scared.

When we do this we have to be aware that we are not a one-person army and that we do depend on others to help us along the way. Whether we are the leaders or we are not we depend on each other to make our collaborative dreams possible. When we fight on our own our strength wanes quickly, but when we have others working together with us we can make miracles possible.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 2

After having viewed all the journal/publication sites that where offered I only found one that had any relation to what my project was about. all the other sites involved the use of technology in one fashion or another. Edutopia is more about social and emotional aspects of learning and I feel that this is more in line with peer mentoring which is what my article is about.

Image obtained at

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 1

When analyzing what format to use as a platform in order to publish my Leadership project I have decided to go with a journal article. I do feel comfortable speaking in front of a crowd but I feel that I express myself better through writing. This way a can express myself how I truly want to and I do not run the risk of drawing a blank and making it look like I do not know what I am talking about.

Image obtain at
By: Scott Quin Photography

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 3 Comment 2 to Barbara Rasero

Wimba's have become frustrating for me because for some reason, even though my signal seems to be strong, the connection flutters and I hear every other word. This past week, I stayed on anyway, because I felt that half was better than nothing. I watch the archive as a back up, but there is nothing like the live session for getting in touch with the vibe of the course, professor and my peers.
This week was particularly important because we spoke about the abstract and final presentation for our AR project. I get intimidated when I have to write formally, and the more I know the better I feel. The abstract will be easy I think. But, I am scratching my head about the final presentation and the publishing! OMG, is it that time already? As I remarked in a prior post, I heard myself saying, "Oh no! I don't want to be published!"
I was kind of taken by surprise at the fear about this since I've knew about it from the beginning of the program, and have been working all along with publishing in mind - why all of a sudden do I feel like backing out? No reason, other than it's real now, and I am worried that I have not done enough, or well enough, yadda, yadda. So, this downward spiral thinking goes.
But, I see the genius in having us read Zanders now. I am sure we area ll going through similar thoughts and feelings and Zanders is so up beat, positive and so generous.

Thank you Full Sail for working this way to calm us down and feel confident into the course requirements. In fact, I have found the program tone exceptional in that regard. I value creativity and I have found another layer of my voice in this program because creativity is cherished here. Brava for EMDT, FullSail, and for all my peers! Brava!!!

@ Barbara

I guess we are all getting a little anxious at this point with what needs to be done. It seems like it was only yesterday that we started on this amazing journey and here we are at the doorstep of finalizing everything. It is crunch time and I guess that with everything that is going on we needed a book that would be a pick me up and Zanders is just that. Whoever thought of placing this book at this specific time really understood what we would be going through and decided to help in the most subtle way.