Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 3 Comment 1 to Cheryl McGovern

Ok everyone! Here is week 3's free post.  This is a great picture, as it really depicts me this week! I am moving every single book in 2 different libraries, and am feeling buried in books! The students start back to school on Monday so I have my work cut out for me.  I have 2 brand new assistants to train, and the mountain of books facing me.  Wish me luck! Oh, and don't forget the leadership project which is really throwing me for a loop right now! I am going to have to review the guidelines for the 4th time and keep trying to figure out exactly what I am going to do.  I would love to do a presentation, but I don't see myself at a conference.  I would not mind doing faculty or even administration, but the whole far away conference and lots of strangers is very intimidating to me, as anyone who knows me knows that I don't do crowds and parties or anything like that well.  Maybe I should do publication, but I like the creativity of a presentation better.  Well, much to think about. If anyone out there has a suggestion, let me know. Thanks for listening! Have a great day and if you don't hear from me, send out the search party to dig me out from under all of the books! (ha! ha!)


I can empathize with your situation. I just began working and am completely swamped with long-term lesson plans and daily plans. Oh yeah and everything that still needs to be done in these last two months that we have left. Just remember that I can only get better from here on out. With each day that passes we will find that the road will become clearer and clearer until we are completely out of the mess. Good luck organizing your library.

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