Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 1 Comment 2 to Cindy Price

As an educator, I found this information very informative and important. It is so often that we copy papers, ideas and other items with the innocence and the understanding that it is ok. These videos showed us the importance of copyright and how important copyright is. Copyright is not there to make it harder for us to complete our work or to create anything. It is there to protect the creator from "thieves"! Educators are guilty of copying others works and these videos should be seen by all educators. the myths about copyright really shed some light for myself. I am guilty of thinking those same things and not realizing that copyright has been violated!!! What surprises me is that there are some pieces of work that people would actually steal. Example some of these songs that are out today that are really inappropriate for listeners of any age!!! I liked the definition and easy remembrance for dummies that they gave us in the first video- basically if you create it, protect it! One thing that I did not know was plays and skits are not copyrighted unless they are copyrighted using visualization. This is good to know. it is important to know how to create your projects and ideas and how to avoid violating copyright laws!!!

@ Cindy
Knowledge can be a powerful thing, once you acquire it and know how to use it. It is true that many times we unconsciously do things thinking that it is all right, but this does not mean that it is right to do it. The problem is when we know what is right but keep on doing things wrong just because it is easier. Copyright can be difficult to understand and master but now that we know what we need to do and how to credit the people properly, we should not only respect what others have done but protect ourselves as well, like you said.

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