Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Project

My CBR project is based on motivating the children at my church to take a more active role in the children’s ministry. In order to make this possible I enrolled several children and took them through the process of creating and giving a class. The journal that I have chosen to try and publish my work is Edutopia because this journal is focused on the emotional and social aspects of learning. I feel that this is the best fit for my project sin motivation does deal with these same issues. I am trying to find other journals that may be willing to publish my work.

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 1

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 2


Publishing Leadership Document


Week 4 Comment 2 to Francine Jackson

My plans are to submit my PLP to the Music Educators Journal(MEJ) of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC). MEJ is a peer-reviewed journal that encourages music education professionals to submit manuscripts about all phases of music education in schools and communities, practical instructional techniques, teaching philosophy, and current issues in music teaching and learning. The main goal of MEJ, like that of MENC, is to advance music education.  MEJ is not a research journal, but submissions should be grounded in the professional literature.

I chose this publication because the population that would most likely be interested in my paper have subscriptions to MEJ.  I read some of the articles from this publication regularly so I figured this publication would reach the audience that would benefit most from my paper. Furthermore I chose this publication because many of my colleagues and myself are having difficulty with learners who are placed in our classes who don't want to be in a performing arts class. I feel that my paper might possibly provide pertinent information that musicians could look into to facilitate student motivation and engagement in the performing arts.

@ Francine
Like with Melissa, I commend you on taking on something that is in such need in our educational environment. Music is a beautiful thing and it is not given the importance it should. I hope that your project will shed some light on how important music is not only to the schools but also to society in general.

Week 4 Comment 1 to Melissa Cooper

The article based on my CBR project has a strong emphasis on Art and technology throughout community service project. Therefore, I am sticking with three journals that I plan to submit too because I wanted to appeal to the Arts (on a small and large scale) as well as technology journals. The following are the Journals I plan on submitting to, a link to the copy of my research article, as well as my two “think-aloud” post if your interested.
Edutopia is a database from the George Lucas foundation that highlights educational and technological programs, topics, information and other research that is unique and breaking ground. I have been a fan for a long time and have actually been inspired by some of their blogs to focus on bringing arts and technology into community service.
NAEA - The National Art Educators of America are a well-known community that advocate for Arts Education, share research, stories, and network with individuals and organizations that do the same. They have a recognize association for their efforts and services and something I look forward to being a part of.

The National Guild for Community Arts Education supports and advances any educational and learning opportunities in the community. They foster art education as well as community focus with their service and advocacy. They host a quarterly journal that highlights related topics in the community and education.

I commend you on taking an active role in promoting the arts. I understand the hardships the arts are going through in the educational system and what this has to mean to you. I have two friends that graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Arts Education and are out of a job due to cut backs. I hope that through your project people will be able to realize how truly important the arts are.

Week 4 Reading Chapter 9-12

Sometimes people feel the need to have everybody agree with them. This especially happens to people in authority who are accustomed to having everything go their way. The problem with this is that even though people do what you say they do not do it willingly and it is demonstrated in their attitude and demeanor. If you truly want somebody to participate actively in anything you do you cannot make him or her do it; you have to have them want to do it. The only way to do this is by enrolling them and making them feel like they are an essential part of what is going on and that without them things would not be the same.

If this does not work then we have to begin to assume responsibility for our actions and we have to take control of the situation. The only way that we can control the situation is by becoming the board. When we become the board, we no longer point fingers or put excuses. We do not let the circumstances dictate our actions but we use the circumstances to further our purpose.

We have to not only be open to possibilities but also inspire others to do the same. When we change our frame of mind others can be inspired by what we are doing. Like Nelson Mandela said, what we fear most is what we are truly capable of. Many times we underestimate ourselves and close the doors of possibility because we are afraid of what might happen. We are scared of the success or the responsibility of achieving something could bring to us. If we would take down our barriers and strive for everything possible then maybe we would be in awe of ourselves instead of scared.

When we do this we have to be aware that we are not a one-person army and that we do depend on others to help us along the way. Whether we are the leaders or we are not we depend on each other to make our collaborative dreams possible. When we fight on our own our strength wanes quickly, but when we have others working together with us we can make miracles possible.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 2

After having viewed all the journal/publication sites that where offered I only found one that had any relation to what my project was about. all the other sites involved the use of technology in one fashion or another. Edutopia is more about social and emotional aspects of learning and I feel that this is more in line with peer mentoring which is what my article is about.

Image obtained at

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Thinking Out Loud 1

When analyzing what format to use as a platform in order to publish my Leadership project I have decided to go with a journal article. I do feel comfortable speaking in front of a crowd but I feel that I express myself better through writing. This way a can express myself how I truly want to and I do not run the risk of drawing a blank and making it look like I do not know what I am talking about.

Image obtain at
By: Scott Quin Photography

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 3 Comment 2 to Barbara Rasero

Wimba's have become frustrating for me because for some reason, even though my signal seems to be strong, the connection flutters and I hear every other word. This past week, I stayed on anyway, because I felt that half was better than nothing. I watch the archive as a back up, but there is nothing like the live session for getting in touch with the vibe of the course, professor and my peers.
This week was particularly important because we spoke about the abstract and final presentation for our AR project. I get intimidated when I have to write formally, and the more I know the better I feel. The abstract will be easy I think. But, I am scratching my head about the final presentation and the publishing! OMG, is it that time already? As I remarked in a prior post, I heard myself saying, "Oh no! I don't want to be published!"
I was kind of taken by surprise at the fear about this since I've knew about it from the beginning of the program, and have been working all along with publishing in mind - why all of a sudden do I feel like backing out? No reason, other than it's real now, and I am worried that I have not done enough, or well enough, yadda, yadda. So, this downward spiral thinking goes.
But, I see the genius in having us read Zanders now. I am sure we area ll going through similar thoughts and feelings and Zanders is so up beat, positive and so generous.

Thank you Full Sail for working this way to calm us down and feel confident into the course requirements. In fact, I have found the program tone exceptional in that regard. I value creativity and I have found another layer of my voice in this program because creativity is cherished here. Brava for EMDT, FullSail, and for all my peers! Brava!!!

@ Barbara

I guess we are all getting a little anxious at this point with what needs to be done. It seems like it was only yesterday that we started on this amazing journey and here we are at the doorstep of finalizing everything. It is crunch time and I guess that with everything that is going on we needed a book that would be a pick me up and Zanders is just that. Whoever thought of placing this book at this specific time really understood what we would be going through and decided to help in the most subtle way.

Week 3 Comment 1 to Cheryl McGovern

Ok everyone! Here is week 3's free post.  This is a great picture, as it really depicts me this week! I am moving every single book in 2 different libraries, and am feeling buried in books! The students start back to school on Monday so I have my work cut out for me.  I have 2 brand new assistants to train, and the mountain of books facing me.  Wish me luck! Oh, and don't forget the leadership project which is really throwing me for a loop right now! I am going to have to review the guidelines for the 4th time and keep trying to figure out exactly what I am going to do.  I would love to do a presentation, but I don't see myself at a conference.  I would not mind doing faculty or even administration, but the whole far away conference and lots of strangers is very intimidating to me, as anyone who knows me knows that I don't do crowds and parties or anything like that well.  Maybe I should do publication, but I like the creativity of a presentation better.  Well, much to think about. If anyone out there has a suggestion, let me know. Thanks for listening! Have a great day and if you don't hear from me, send out the search party to dig me out from under all of the books! (ha! ha!)


I can empathize with your situation. I just began working and am completely swamped with long-term lesson plans and daily plans. Oh yeah and everything that still needs to be done in these last two months that we have left. Just remember that I can only get better from here on out. With each day that passes we will find that the road will become clearer and clearer until we are completely out of the mess. Good luck organizing your library.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 3 Reading Chapters 5-8

I have found that many times a person in authority demands respect or honor as if it was something they automatically got because of the position or title they hold. What gives you honor or respect is not necessarily your position but your attitude. You can be the CEO of a company and be hated by everybody or you could be a janitor and respected and admired by your colleagues. True leaders do not demand respect; they earn it because of who they are. I love the statement that Zanders made in the fifth chapter of the book, “a leader does not need a podium”. To me this describes a leader en every sense of the word. One leads no matter where they are or the circumstances.

At times people in this position takes themselves so seriously that they become calculated and often cold. I have been accused of this many times. To which I tell them that I may be calculated but I am never cold. I never take risks without weighing the options. In a sense I take everything I do very seriously and am a perfectionist. My motto is, if you are going to do something do it right or don’t do it at all. I guess I could learn a thing or two about letting loose and not taking myself so seriously.

I consider myself a realist. I see things for what they are and not what they could or should be. For many this is a terrible quality and I have been criticized for this many times but to them I always say that it is better to have your feet firmly on the ground than to have your heads in the clouds. Even though I am a realist this does not mean that I do not try to look for the best qualities in things. It simply means that I make the best of what I have. If you are always wishing for something else you will never be happy and appreciate what you have. Strive and aspire for goals you have not yet reached but do not obsess over them because you will soon become very frustrated with the life you have.

Many times the best things that ever happen to us happen when we reach a point where we are willing to break free of our comfort zone. That place where we’ve been stuck for so long that it seems like second nature. That place that has become our own personal security blanket in which we have all the control and nobody can hurt us. The moment we leave this place we expose ourselves to discover brand new possibilities and reach goals that we previously never fathomed possible.

Image by Nicholas Loran
Obtained at

Week 3 Free Choice: Being a teacher

After being out of a job for a little over six years due to illness I recently started working again. Last Tuesday I began working as a sixth grade teacher in a private school here in Puerto Rico. This is my first experience as a teacher so I am learning as I go. Lesson number one is that the hours are very long. This is no regular 9 to 5 where you clock in and out and that’s the end of the workday. Here you have to take work home with you. Lesson number two is that patience is a virtue. Kids will try to see what they can get away with and keep pushing until they realize what they can and cannot get away with. Lesson number three is that rest is a luxury. The hours are very long and the rest is very short. After all, once you get out of school you have to start preparing for the next day. The reason why being a teacher is not a job most people would even consider is because it is not a mere job; it is a vocation. It is something you do because you love it.

Picture by Thomas Barwick

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 2 Comment 2 Richard Stemple

Here is a video blog I created for musicians, music teachers, drama teachers and anyone who puts on live performances might find helpful and entertaining. Yes, that me singing and playing guitar, enjoy
There are many creative ways to get paid as a performer or musician within a nightclub or bar. Some bands are paid partly by food and drink. The rest of the bands earnings can sometimes be a percentage of the bar or technically “tips” from the audience even though the cash or check is given by the owner of the club. There are many other tricks of the trade, feel free to share your stories and thoughts on this blog. Please remember to support live performances. Remember, be careful out there you never know who might walk into your audience. If you like the band RHED feel free to look them up on Facebook and MySpace.

I liked the video you prepared. It is very informative and let people now things that are not usually addressed when speaking about copyright since they mostly concentrate on photos, videos and anything written. By the way I enjoyed your rendition of the song.

Week 2 Comment 1 Sheri Brinkerhoff

All of the structure and ideals we use to bind ourselves into our lives are invented.  Only looking beyond the proverbial box can help us see beyond our immediate world.  I have often thought about how we create our own world based on our experiences. “The Art of Possibility” by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander is one of the most amazing book I have ever read. Unleashing the possibilities within should be the goal of every person.  It really is all invented.  Someone created the ideas we use to guide our lives.  What could we accomplish if we did not know fear?  Assumptions are the biggest hindrance for me in opening up to the realm of possibility.  It is so easy to make a judgment about someone or a situation.   

During the last week, I have focused on trying to stop making assumptions about situations.  I find that when I do this I have an easier time giving someone an ”A.” I have found that I have more patience with people because I try not to make assumptions or judgments about behaviors and actions.  It helps to think about how you are contributing on a daily basis.  I loved that the idea of being a contribution releases one from the cycle of success versus failure.  The chapter where the author describes his class after giving everyone an “A” is very intriguing.  I have toyed with the notion of presenting this idea to my students.  Though I do not think my administration would be receptive to the idea, I like the affect on the students.  It releases them from the cycle of success versus failure and brings them to a place where they can focus on their personal journey.   

An excellent education teaches students how to live beyond the course material.  This class is an excellent example of the concept.  Though the course is titled “Media Asset Creation,” I feel as though I have learned more about how I want to live my life.  Lessons taken from this week’s reading have affected my personal thinking in ways that will extend beyond the course itself.


First of all I want to say that that picture you took is beautiful. Assumptions truly can hinder a person and it can even make them prejudice. When I was doing my practice in education I was warned by a couple of “professionals” to be careful because the school that I was going to was right between two residential housings for underprivileged people. They would have comments like, “you know how those people are with their addictions” or “keep your wallet close at all times” and “you can never be too careful around those people”. Once I got there I found that those kids were the most loving and kindhearted kids I had ever met. They would spend there lunch hour with me and tell me all sorts of stories. Sometimes we are too quick to judge and never really give the others an opportunity.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week2 Free Choice: Fear

Fear can mean many things to different people. My brother is a burly man. He measures 5 feet 10 inches and weighs about 250 pounds. You show him a spider that measures 3 inches and he will go running in the other direction. Sometime we are so consumed by fear that we lose all rational thought and either run or become paralyzed. We forget where we are and what needs to be done. We just know that we do not want to be there anymore.

A parent receives a call saying that their child has been in an accident and that they do not know whether their child will make it or not. In this case fear comes into their life because they do not want to imagine what life would be like without that child. This time fear does not paralyze them. On the contrary, it motivates them. They rush out to wherever their child is and begin frantically searching for answers. They will literally move mountains to make sure that their child is all right.

Fear has two ways of affecting our lives. Either it paralyzes you or it motivates you. It all depends on our attitude and our outlook on life. No situation is too great that it cannot be resolved with some help. Many times it is fear that causes us to not ask for help because we do not want to feel rejected. If we could understand and conquer our fears then we would be better off because the fear would not control our life, we would control it.

Image by Phil Ashley obtained at

Week 2 Reading: Chapters 1 – 4 The Art of Possibility

Many times our minds can only work at the capacity in which it has been trained. It is our obligation to expand the possibilities and go beyond what our minds are capable of. Many times when faced with an impossible situation we here somebody tell us to leave it for a moment and come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and a new mindset. This means that we become so wrapped up in what we are doing that we cannot fathom another alternative, but if we do take the time to take a new perspective then the possibilities we invent can become endless.

The possibilities before us are endless. It all depends on our own attitudes and perception. If we feel defeated and hopeless, we see life in the same way. If we feel exuberant and expectant then we will look at life in this way. Our outlook also determines what we expect and henceforth will receive in our life. if we are mediocre in what we do we cannot expect to get an abundance of anything. What we receive will always be directly proportionate to the effort we put into anything we do. Like the Bible state in Galatians 6:7, “… for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (KJV).

As teachers it is our task to show our students the possibilities and potential that resides in them. Many times students are classified by their social status, race or appearance. Every school is divided by unseen barriers, which can make a student thrive or deter them from even trying. We as educators are called to stimulate not only an academic environment conducive to learning but also an environment that allows the students to spread their wings and accomplish goals they had before thought impossible. Many times students feel pressure to perform certain tasks or be somebody they think they should be instead of who they truly are. We as educators are called to ease the pain of these students and create a place in which they feel comfortable, calm and peace. This way they can concentrate on what truly matters, becoming a contribution.

When we become a contribution we stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about others. Society has taught us that survival of the fittest is the only way to ensure that we will live on. This mindset has caused us to be egotistical, selfish and self-centered. On the contrary, if we think of ourselves as a contribution we become humble, giving and place others before ourselves. In this way we make a conscious decision to put our needs aside for a moment and try to help others. This is what a Utopian Society is based on and this principle, though far-fetched for many, is what makes life worth waking up to each day in my opinion.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 1 Comment 2 to Cindy Price

As an educator, I found this information very informative and important. It is so often that we copy papers, ideas and other items with the innocence and the understanding that it is ok. These videos showed us the importance of copyright and how important copyright is. Copyright is not there to make it harder for us to complete our work or to create anything. It is there to protect the creator from "thieves"! Educators are guilty of copying others works and these videos should be seen by all educators. the myths about copyright really shed some light for myself. I am guilty of thinking those same things and not realizing that copyright has been violated!!! What surprises me is that there are some pieces of work that people would actually steal. Example some of these songs that are out today that are really inappropriate for listeners of any age!!! I liked the definition and easy remembrance for dummies that they gave us in the first video- basically if you create it, protect it! One thing that I did not know was plays and skits are not copyrighted unless they are copyrighted using visualization. This is good to know. it is important to know how to create your projects and ideas and how to avoid violating copyright laws!!!

@ Cindy
Knowledge can be a powerful thing, once you acquire it and know how to use it. It is true that many times we unconsciously do things thinking that it is all right, but this does not mean that it is right to do it. The problem is when we know what is right but keep on doing things wrong just because it is easier. Copyright can be difficult to understand and master but now that we know what we need to do and how to credit the people properly, we should not only respect what others have done but protect ourselves as well, like you said.

Week 1 Comment 1 to Helen Xiong

Wow...Week already done...
My brain is going crazy! I cannot stop talking to people about copyright laws because I was soooo unaware of it...You would think that it being so scary that we would know more about it...
It is really crazy to think about how many people are disobeying this law of copyright and are just simply unaware of it...I talked to Mr. Bustillos more about it and he said that we would be talking more about it this next week but I feel that my brain is sooo overloaded with this that it makes me scared of what our future holds and how these people posting videos on YouTube every 2 seconds needs to be aware of this. 
Commenting on Cheryl's post really made me realize things that are right in front of you....resources and people that you have made connections with that can make us into more educated people. I really push my own students to use their, wikispaces, the web, and the people around them....and I need to realize that too...How did I not know about these ideas or thoughts when I see my librarian at my school on a daily basis?! It really makes me question myself with how opened my eyes really are....
This week just flew by and I had also already started our reading and I must say...I hate reading but the book is really good...(sorry to be a spoiler if you haven't started yet). I am really looking forward to what this class has to offer and what is to happen in the weeks and days to come. 

@ Helen
I have to agree with you. Many times we are unaware of all these rules and regulations that we have to follow. I guess ignorance truly is bliss for most of us.  Once we become aware we find ourselves questioning everything we did prior to having acquired the knowledge. This has happened to me and now I constantly check to see if I have given the people the credit they deserve in every work I do. It can be tedious but it needs to be done. Oh and by the way thanks for spoiling the whole book thing.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 1 Free Choice: Tropical Storm Emily

I live in Puerto Rico and this week we had a Tropical Storm/Hurricane warning emitted on the island because Tropical Storm Emily could have passed over the island. As soon as this storm began to evolve the media jumped on it and cautioned the entire island about the possibility of it making landfall and advising everybody to be prepared. The storm was supposed to make landfall by August 2, 2011, which was Tuesday. By Saturday the hardware stores where out of 8x4 wood panels because everybody began to by them just in case they had to board up their houses.  The supermarkets had canned goods and water flying off their shelves and the gas stations were full of cars filling up their tanks just in case. I am all for being prepared but the problem that I have with this scenario is that the media began causing hysteria even before the atmospheric disturbance was a tropical depression; it was just a bunch of random clouds. Once it came closer they went into overdrive saying what the consequences of landfall could be and how we would be six months without light or water in some areas of the island. Giving information so that the public can prepare themselves is one thing but sensationalizing it to sell papers or boost your viewership is another.  The government did not do any better in the situation. They gave the day off on Tuesday, which is understandable since they believed it would pass over and they wanted to keep their employees safe. The problem is that the Tropical Storm did not pass over Puerto Rico and the government also gave the following day off since some areas might be flooded. I do not mind that the government closes when it is necessary but what is the use of closing the government offices in areas that are not flooded.

Thankfully Puerto Rico has not seen a hurricane pass over it in over a decade and hopefully we will not have to see that type of destruction in the following years. The last one that did pass over us caused a lot of damage, pain and suffering. My heart goes out to those that do have to suffer because of the atmospheric disturbances all over the world and hope and pray that this hurricane season be one with as little damage as possible to the people.

Week 1 Reading: Copyright issues

For this week we had to watch some videos and read an article on the Obama picture of Hope. The first topic that we were presented with was copyright. This applies to everything that is produced whether it be books, plays, films, movies, dance and music. The copyright license lasts for the lifetime of its creator plus and additional 70 years. If it is a company owned copyright it lasts for 100 years. Because this is such a long time, the Faire Use concept entered into the picture. This brings us to the second topic of this week. Fair Use was developed so that material that is copyrighted can be used to a certain extent. It states that any copyrighted material can be used under four specific purposes. These are teaching, news report, parody and critical comment. This is not a right a person has but it can be utilized as a defensible position when and if a person is sued in court. The only conditions that are applied to fair use are that it be used under one o the four purposes previously stated, that the amount used is relatively short in comparison to the total, and that it have a commercial effect.  This produces an outlet for creativity but it is flimsy at best since these parameters are not defined in specific terms and are open to interpretation. For this purpose Creative Commons, the third topic, was created. Creative Commons is a site in the Internet where you can publish whatever you want and you as the artist can define the parameters that will determine what can and cannot be done with your creation. They give the artist four option that they can apply to whatever they upload. The first option is Attribution, where if anybody wishes to use it they have to give credit to the artist. The second option is Non-Commercial, where the person can use it as long as they do not make a profit off of it. The third is No Derivates, which means that the creation has to remain exactly the same. Finally they have Share Alike, which states that you can make changes to the work but you have to keep the same options as the original artist.

Copyright  image by Mike Seyfang from